

Above: tuna melt from De Kat. 


"As a confirmed melancholic, I can testify that the best and maybe only antidote for melancholia is action. However, like most melancholics, I suffer also from sloth." -Edward Abbey

Mara sent me that quote yesterday, and well, let's just say Ed and I have spent some time on the same page. Until last night, I'd been ransacking the "action" department of the SuperStore that is my life, socializing excessively since Friday's landmark show: Saturday a trip to Utrecht to catch Rosa; Sunday, a Scrabble afternoon and dinner (coconut crab soup and mussels fra diavolo); Monday, a birthday party (plantains with mole coloradito and mushroom quesadillas); Tuesday, another Scrabble and dinner get-together (leftovers), and then....

Well as you can imagine, that sort of thing couldn't go on forever ("a sales associate to Action for cleanup, please?"). Today I'll be quietly experimenting with action, but for when I really feel like de-slothing, I found a website that looks a possibly-revolutionary productivity enhancer: 43 Folders. Seriously. It's like a gentle but firm personal trainer for the procrastinator.


It's not, however, anything like a Fatty Melt


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