

So tonight I start my Remeron/mirtazapine shit, hopefully my experience will be remotely like that of other formerly depressed bloggers who've found it to be the only thing that helps. I just took my first 15mg and boy is my tongue numb.

IN THE MORNING: Upside: slept for 7 10 hours or so. Downside: feel like I need 70 more. Very Dramamine-like feeling, like there's no circumstances under which you could stay awake after you've taken it, like dozing in and out of consciousness is about the most you're capable of (apparently not unusual). Dreams very vivid (I used that word even before I saw that every single person on that linked thread said the same thing). And, yes it's true what they say, food tastes better (it's also used as an appetite stimulant), just like the volume has been turned up. I just had the best rice cake of my life. Vision a little weird also, but other than that, if I can manage to wake up pretty soon, I'll call that a good night's sleep. Maybe only a half dose tonight.


uncle bennish wild rice.

250g wild rice, uncooked
1 large onion
2 tbsp butter
1 tsp or more garlic powder
1/2 tsp ginger powder
pinch ground turmeric
1 boullion cube, dissolved into 4 cups water
black pepper to taste

Saute chopped onion in butter until soft. Add rice and bouillon/water. Add dry spices, bring to a boil. Turn to low and simmer for 50 minutes, until the insides done explode. Not yours, the rice.


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