
daar sta je dan.

So, quick update: energy, increasing, made it to the gym today for the first time in many weeks. Coordination and general body function: still uncoordinated and weirdly dried-out (welll, not so weirdly, mirtazapine is like a colossal antihistamine) . Mood: decent, bumped up to remarkably good if I compare it to April 1 when I took the above picture. Sleep: decreasing a bit, waking up a little earlier every day, approaching 5am at the moment, that's with taking meds at 10:30 and going to sleep at 11:30 or so.

Priorities: skewed. Hypothetically the biggest thing that's wrong right now is that there are no more Galler white chocolate + pistachio praline bars in the house anymore. Actually that's probably for the best, they're unignorably fantastic.


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