
mamma mia.

I apologize for the scattershot brevity of recent posts, I'm not spending much time at the computer. And my parents' ADSL modem seems to have died so this post is being brought to you courtesy of a neighbor's hijacked wireless. 


Today was a complex day. Up at 5am, still working out some lingering jetlag issues I guess. Eventually managed a brief but hearty workout, then off to, ahem, The Mall for a few hours. 

My time here these days is so much easier when I just Go With It and do wrong things. Like go to Starbucks at the mall, where after two double espressos I somehow told my mother jokingly that she didn't have many Christmases left, which was funny for about 3 seconds until we started thinking about it. Merry Christmas!

Then I went guitar shopping for a few hours, which was frustrating in the extreme. I've found the guitar I should buy, but can't bring myself to. It's like I've met a girl who is perfect in every way from a personality perspective, but I'm not attracted to her physically at all. In my unevolved high school days I might have even been embarrassed to introduce her to my friends. She is the Dean Resonator Chrome G:

You see what I'm saying. It's chrome, like a car bumper. It's ornate, like a Mexican gangster. It's not exactly my style, in the way that a rhinestoned leather bodysuit would not be my style. But it's the only guitar of its type that does everything I want for less than the cost of a small car. 


Oh, right: food. Eventually we had a salad for dinner: radicchio, escarole, Bibb, bacon, candied almonds, old-ass Cheddar, strawberries, tomatoes, chives. With a balsamic vinaigrette. Shockingly harmonious. 

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