

I cooked a lot today, for the first time in weeks. Above is Ottolenghi's Black Pepper Tofu, Momofuku's Quick Salt Pickles, and Saveur's Perfect Brown Rice. And VDuck's kind of Indian/Indonesian runner beans with toasted coconut.


slow-cooked coconut runner beans.

3/4 cup dried coconut, recently toasted

2 tbsp coconut oil
400g runner beans, cut prettily
1 tsp yellow mustard seeds
1 onion, sliced thin
1 clove garlic, minced
1 tbsp fresh ginger, grated
1 cup chicken or vegetable broth
1 tsp ground turmeric
smoked salt to taste

Melt coconut oil in wok, saute onion for 10 minutes, stirring often. Mix in mustard seeds and saute for a minute, until they begin to pop. Add remaining ingredients and simmer uncovered for an hour,  checking to make sure there's enough liquid to keep it going.


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