And it ain't me. It's been a weird few days. I'd already been having trouble sleeping on Monday and Tuesday, and then Wednesday Mara and I (and J-Kim) had a fun but slightly-too-much-so late night out downstairs and so by Thursday I was approaching that kind of sleep dep state where "nothing is real...everything is a copy of a copy of a copy" (yeah, I just quoted it...what? When I saw it for the first time, I was an American male, age 30, working in an increasingly intolerable corporate marketing environment...I was the target audience).
Then Friday's sleep wasn't any better, and since MT hasn't been feeling that great either, we've kind of just been shuffling around the apartment alternating between consecutive rabbit holes, bad TV movies, half-napping, and experimental baking, none of which is really a recipe for feeling more awake and alive, but the baking helped more than anything else.
One of the more interesting test cases involved mini pecan pies made with hazelnuts (instead of pecans, because we had some sitting around). The taste was fantastic, but the filling was too firm, presumably because we eliminated the traditional corn syrup in the interest of being more "natural". My question is, is it possible to achieve anything approaching the correct gooey and jiggly texture using only eggs and sugar? Anyone?
Over the past few days (or more) of overinternetting I've added lots of hopefully more inspiring information sources to my life (many of them over at my top secret other blog). Here's one: The Rumpus offers up a pretty interesting conversation about blogging vs. journalism. Maybe this is well-covered ground for fellow bloggers; I myself have studiously avoided reading much punditry or even informed research about blogging in general, almost definitely because the corporate job mentioned up-post revolved around punditry and informed research. And thinking hard about the future of computing. Which I mostly love not doing any more.
My MC handle should probably be Almos Def.
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