
after midnight.

Must be the moon or something, Moop and I both had problems sleeping tonight, 7,000 miles apart (mutual foot or finger squeezes would've been a boon). Wouldn't be such a big deal, but I'd really like to put this jet lag thing solidly behind me so's I can go on and get jiggy with it, if you know what I'm saying. I kind of hope you do, cause...I've got no idea.


I'll just sort of blather on here for a bit to clear my p-nutty hed: at the moment, I'm annoyed by what seems to be (by all accounts) a miserable adaptation of one of my favorite novels from my college years, The Mysteries of Pittsburgh.

From what I've read, it sounds incredible, as in not believeable. Just all sorts of terrible plot and character alterations, for example: Art has sex with Cleveland (not the city, a person). This means that one of the main likeable characters from the book (Arthur) has been completely eliminated from the movie, and another one of the central (and strongly-drawn) characters (Cleveland) has suddenly been made bisexual...what? You can do that?

It goes on: Phlox is no longer a mutual friend of Art and Arthur, because Arthur is gone, instead she's Art's boss. Wha? There's a heavy emphasis on Art's fascination with Jane, something that in the book was mentioned in maybe four scattered sentences.

I don't understand!


I need recipes for leftover pork. Actually for leftovers period. This kitchen generates a lot of food, and doesn't do an awesome job of eating it all, so I'd like to try and improve on that while I'm here. I've got a pork roast to deal with (chili? pâté?) and looks like I may have a pot roast to clean up after as well.

Pictured above is some of what we bought at Lee Lee yesterday. It is such an overwhelmingly well-stocked store that I've never simultaneously been there and had any idea what I was looking for.

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