
let's not start...

OK, so yeah, I took a blurry picture of the Cafe Americain fountain last night. So what??? You're just jealous!!!


I must warn "you": this is one of those boring-ass posts I promised. But I need to do it, this is how I retrace my steps to figure out what worked. I mean, yes, unfortunately, this usually only happens after things have stopped working and I need to start over, but...let's see if it can be different this time.


Another good night of sleep, 6 hours. Same deal, sleep enhancers consumed at 9pm, yawning by 11:30. I've always avoided taking them that early because, yeah...I was afraid they'd wear off before morning, leaving me awake at the dreaded 3:30am timeslot, from which there is rarely a productive escape route. But, fingers crossed, new schedule (and new meds, mostly passionflower) seems promising.

Also, I walked 8km or so yesterday, I'm sure that didn't hurt. It was one of those nights where, of course, three interesting gigs were happening at roughly the same time, but it would've been possible to see all of 1 and then some of 2 and 3, they were all located with 10 minutes of each other. Apparently though I'm still not quite ready for sober socializing though; only made it through the first one (90 minutes!) before realizing that home was the best place for me.


VDuck plans for the week: study. Exercise. Keep not doing poisonous things. Try cocoa nibs. Figure out if buddha amacha is healthy, and if so, how? It's made from hydrangea, which is toxic. I desperately need something sweet that's not sugary, if that makes any sense. Maybe I can brainwash my tongue.

This free-form shopping list is starting to remind me of something. I've had mole on my mind for a while, probably since I started messing with turkey. I should do that. I finally bought some bakkeljauw, I'll probably see if I can manage to not fuck that up. I need better breakfast foods. I need to get grapefruit back in my life. I need vegetables. And I guess Cheap Dirk Fish. And some kind of socializing beverage that isn't terrible for you. I could make this more Adaptation-esque if I wanted to spend an hour or two on it. But what would that really accomplish? Why can't I just be myself? Maybe I am being myself. All I'm hearing is Nicholas Cage's voice when I'm writing this. I should stop.


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