

First, the good news. Mara went to Pure Markt in the Frankendael Park this weekend, and bought some lovely French saucisson, this one with large pieces of chestnuts in the mix.


This low-lit pile of undifferentiateable matter is warm figs and gorgonzola wrapped in bacon with a cherry vinaigrette over arugula and several other field green-y type lettuces. And it convinced me once and for all that fresh figs are a hoax.

I buy some every year about this time because they're in season and thus relatively inexpensive (these were 25 cents a piece) and give them a chance to live up to their reputation, but all I end up with is anemic, tasteless Fruit Product that really needs to be reduced, caramelized, wrapped in bacon, or some other flavor-extracting trick to happen to it in order to be edible.



Klary Koopmans said...

I Just Had This Exact Same Experience, dear food-twin. Bought 5 figs for 1.50. They were ripe, soft and almost oozing. Got home and ate the one that got smashed in the back. Tasteless. Cut up the rest and they are now macerating in chestnut honey and a bit of lemon juice, which will (hopefully) make them a bit more interesting.. since bacon and blue cheese are no options for us right now I´m afraid...

Klary Koopmans said...

.. that should read, "smashed in the bag"....

MEM said...

Please let me know if your treatment of the subject improves their usefulness. I myself have turned my back on them.

And, oh yeah....welcome home!!!