
we watch channel zero.

Well, all hell broke loose here last night from a digestion POV (we're still not really sure what the culprit is), and Mara and I both spent the day crippled by continuing intestinal nastiness, which means that we ate almost nothing and watched an excruciating amount of TV.

The high point would have to have been a tugging-at-the-heartstrings episode of American Chopper (it reminds us of home), but then at 8:30pm we had a tough call to make: Unbreakable or A Haunting in Georgia. Neither of us could remember a single thing about Unbreakable except that it had one of the most disappointing endings ever recorded on film.

So we watched about 3 hours of A Haunting in Georgia (while occasionally switching back to Unbreakable to see if we could remember what was so bad about the ending...we couldn't, until we saw it start to happen, and then...we did).

I won't go into the details of the aforementioned haunting right here, but I will say that after 3 hours, you'd think there'd be some sort of resolution. And you'd be wrong. "I think they just giant squid-ed us," Mara noted cheerily afterwards, referring to the National Geographic feature Hunt for the Giant Squid, where after 3 or 4 hours, they don't actually find the giant squid.


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