In less bitchy news, Klary has a nice piece on sauerkraut up at, (sorry mother dear, it's in Dutch). This is especially relevant for me since I've been eating sauerkraut every day that I haven't eaten mole in the past week. Dinner at Greetje kinda got me started on it and I haven't been able to stop...I think because I haven't actually had it with sausage yet. So that will be tonight's dinner, in an effort to get the zuurkool monkey off my back.
But the main takeaways from Klary's article: rinse your sauerkraut well before using it (if you've never done this before, you have been eating something very different from what sauerkraut can be like); and toss a glass of kirschwasser over it after it's cooked and before serving. The latter tip is a new one for me and I hope to try it out tonight if I can manage to drag my ass out of the house to go get some kirsch.
EDIT: I did not drag my ass to get kirsch b/c there's not a liquor store in our neighborhood (how is that possible? This is supposed to be a bad neighborhood), but I did drag my ass to the corner to get some sausage. Actually, I got two, in order to have a bit of a taste-off: Weidenaar kookworst from Friesland, flavored with nutmeg and ginger; and Spar Gelderse rookworst, flavored with MSG and fake smoke.
Actually the Spar rookworst is about the only packaged rookworst I've seen without MSG (here called e621 or smaakversterker (literally "taste amplifier", which sounds like the title of a Boris CD)), which is why I bought it. But it does have fake smoke.
Worst in general, but specifically rookworst is a bit nostalgic for me...when we first moved here, we were renting an apartment for two weeks until we could move into our actual apartment, and during those first two weeks I have no idea what we did other than watch music videos (you could count on seeing Aaliyah's "More Than a Woman" or Basement Jaxx' "Where's Your Head At" once every 20 minutes, as a result I associate these songs with the squirrel-like naivete we possessed back then) and eat the following five items exclusively:
1) Wokkels
2) Eggs + Sambal Badjak
3) Couscous with butter and Heinz Curry Sauce
4) Kletskoppen
5) Rookworst + Huisman Zaanse mustard (possibly the dorkiest link I've ever linked)
I can't imagine why we didn't buy groceries...maybe we didn't want to mess up his refrigerator? I think he didn't have an oven, only a stovetop burner. But I really can't begin to understand our rationale for this diet. But anyway, I guess my point is that we were sweet and unblemished then, and those memories smell like rookworst. Or something. Whatever, I'll reveal the extremely unsurprising results of the worst taste-off in my next post.
Rye Crepes
This recipe can deliver rustic rye flour crepes for days. Fill them with
sweet or savory fillings for any meal of the day.
Continue reading Rye Crepes on...
1 day ago
or just use jenever if you can't find the kirsch (assuming that like me, you always have a bottle of good jenever lying around...
hiya. ja, helaas all i've got at the moment is tequila and vodka...and sauerkraut with tequila is something i might not even eat on a dare.
plus, it'll give me an excuse to taste kirsch, which I always thought was a sweet liqueur...silly american.
wat leuk om een andere Nederlandse foodblog te zien! en dingen als zuurkool...leuk hoor! =)
over de macarons; nee. absoluut geen enkele macaron.
naja - niet de echte dan -
in de Utrechtsestraat bij Kuyt zag ik eens, bij het voorbij lopen, in de etalage iets wat op een macaron leek - snel naar binnen... - maar het bleek 2 bitterkoekjes met een plaatje chocolade te zijn die ze macarons noemde... (!)
laat we het er op houden dat ik niet meer zo blij was =)
maar ik ga ze binnenkort zelf proberen te maken.
groet, Julia - Tasting Life
oja, als jij toch een macaron tegenkomt (in je glazen bol) - laat het me weten! =)
Hey Julia, thanks for stopping by...
The only thing worse than not being able to find a macaron is thinking that you found one and being completely deceived!
At least Kuyt is plenty good for other things. They have a little chocolate pecan pie that really reminds me of the American south.
I'll of course let everyone within shouting distance know if I find myself face to face with an actual Nederlandse macaron at any point....
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