
españa, saturday day 4: almocábar.

Ronda at night again, Saturday evening around 19:00.

Actual interesting, evocative text to follow eventually.


Almocábar was the "fanciest" place we went this week: tapitas were €2.50 each instead of the €1 or €1.50 they were at San Francisco. I wanted to say "everything seemed slightly less relaxed," but it's hard to imagine how things could've been any more relaxed and less pretentious than they'd been at San Francisco and El Socorro and pretty much everywhere else we went.

If it looks like we're the only people in the bar, that's because we are: it's 20:00, too early for dinner. But by the time we were ready to move on to the next place, people had started to trickle in, and at least one party brought their own potato chips with them, demonstrating that even a slightly more pretentious place was still pretty informal.

Below: El Capitan + giant capers, lupini beans/tremoços/altramuz, pickles; the fuera de carta "vegetarian platter" of good queso, good walnuts, and those little crunchy boring baseball bats; pluma Ibérico, pork with candied piquillo peppers; queso manchego with orange marmelade and great olive oil; magret de pato, duck with strawberry jam and Pedro Ximenez raisins.


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