
korte pauze.

As you may have noticed, post frequency has been dropping gradually over the past few months, for a lot of reasons. I'd love to go into the gory details, but then again I don't have any idea how much time it would take to do so, so I can't.

I will say instead: I'm taking an official break from frequent blogging here, for at least a few months weeks, I can't really say. Thanks for reading, commenting, paying attention in general....and hopefully see you again after the summer soon, when we're all tan, skinny, hungry, etc. And we'll all be like peas in a pod again.


Oh, yeah: tonight's rehabilitation meal: tiny 5-minute steaks with homemade A-1 sauce (store-bought apple chutney + Worcestershire sauce, 2:1 ratio) and garden-fresh kapucijners from Klary's source with a little butter and prosciutto. Couldn't ask for a much better-feeling early summer dinner. The peas were so good that I almost stuck my fork through the side of my mouth trying to get them in there.

1 comment:

Klary Koopmans said...

I'll miss your posts.
Have a great summer!